Sivada Sreehari is a fabulous kid

  • Kerala Books Of School Records
  • Wayanad

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Sivada Sreehari is a fabulous kid,who has demonstrated exceptional skills and abilities in the field of general knowledge.

This achievement is registered in Kerala Books of school records. Sivada Sreehari is the daughter of Mr. Sreehari. N and Athira Unnikrishnan born on twenty-fifth April2022 kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala. Her accomplishments are as follows. Naming and Identifying 23 body parts, 23 animals (11 domestic animals and 12 wild animals),10 electronic devices,

 12 Fruits, 12 Colours, 9 Shapes, 7 Vehicles. She is recalling letters of the English alphabet with associated words, Malayalam swaraksharangal with associated words, Counting numbers 1 to 30, Names of fingers, Naming Days of the week and Months, Singing 5 English Nursery Rhymes ( Jhonny Jhonny, Twinkle Twinkle, Rain Rain, Five little monkeys, Baby shark), Malayalam Rhyme and also Saraswathi Shloka and Gayathri Mantra We, the Kerala Books of School Records, extend our heartfelt appreciation and a big round of applause for her outstanding accomplishments.

Issued on2025 January 7

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