AYRAH KHENZA C.S is an extra ordinary amazing kid
- Kerala Books Of School Records
- Thrissur
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AYRAH KHENZA C.S is an extra ordinary amazing kid
This achievement is registered in Kerala books of school records
Ayrah Khenza C S is the daughter of Mr Shihas C A, and Mrs. Jasheela P.M. born on 22/01/2021 Thrissur, Kerala, India
She expressed her talent in knowledge ,accurately answering questions on a diverse range of subjects including 5. Ocean and relationship status 7 continents, Wonder ,Rainbow colours8 planets, , there Jobs 17 Group 15 Antonyms and masculine feminine words, 17 Group of people things 15 body parts 20 Bodyquiz, 17 kind of doctors, 14 animals and its youngones, districts, 16 shapesand vehicles , 12 kinds of people, 7 days of week 12 months , 10 colours, 27 animals,20 sea animals, birds,fruits vegetables and national things,9 prepositions,10 numbers,26 English alphabets,12 scientist,15 Indian presidents and answering 25 questions about Gandiji .She has the wide range of knowledge in her younger age
Kerala books of school records appreciated her talents by honouring big applause
Issued on 16/09/2024