GAURI A is a fabulous kid, who has demonstrated exceptional skills and abilities in the field of general knowledge
- Kerala Books Of School Records
- Kollam
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GAURI A is a fabulous kid, who has demonstrated exceptional skills and abilities in the field of general knowledge
This achievement is registered in Kerala Books of school records. Gauri A is the daughter of Mr.Ananthu V. R Dev. and Mrs. Aswani S Dev born on 12th July 2022, Shasthamcotta, Kollam, Kerala. Her accomplishments are as follows. Naming and Identifying 12 body parts, 7 animals,5 electronic devices,
7 Fruits, 7 vegetables, 19miscellaneous images, 7 Vehicles,7 birds ,4 curry powder,5 kitchen tools,5 ornaments,3 astronauts, mimics the sound of 3animalsand 2 birds. Sorting 12 shapes, Identifying12 food items, shows 8 actions in English, Identifying10 home appliances,10 famous persons and 5 Gods. We, the Kerala Books of School Records, extend our heartfelt appreciation and a big round of applause for her outstanding accomplishments.
Issued on2025 February 17